
Some projects of mine.

Apples at home

Apples at home

A project on Freecodecamp, Responsive Web Design Certification. This is a product landing page for a fictional company.


Calculator HTML5 & Javascript

Calculator HTML5 & Javascript

Calculator written in html5 and javascript only. No libs.


File Metadata Microservice

File Metadata Microservice

Project on Freecodecamp, Apis And Microservices Certification. An API where user can upload a file and JSON formatted metadata is recieved back.


Local Weather App

Local Weather App

Another project on Freecodecamp. Displays weather in users location.


My old portfolio website

My old portfolio website

This is my old portfolio website, very ugly, but it has a parallax background.


Random Image Search

Random Image Search

This is a simple site that uses jQuery and JSON to get random images by title from Pixabay.


Random Quote Machine

Random Quote Machine

A project on Freecodecamp Front End Libraries Certification. Gets a random quote from a javascript array.


React Calculator

React Calculator

Calculator made with React


Roman Numeral Converter

Roman Numeral Converter

A project on Freecodecamp Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures Certification. Converts roman numerals to arabic numbers, and the other way around.


Technical Documentation Website

Technical Documentation Website

Project on freecodecamp.org. Responsive Web Design Certification. Build a technical documentation page.


Tibetan Spaniel Tibute Page

Tibetan Spaniel Tibute Page

This is one of the first projects on Freecodecamp Responsive Web Design Certification. A very basic, but responsive website using only HTML and CSS.


Timestamp Microservice

Timestamp Microservice

A project on Freecodecamp, Apis And Microservices Certification. An API which returns a JSON formatted timestamp.


Twitch TV App

Twitch TV App

Another project on Freecodecamp. Uses AJAX to see the status of a number of Twitch Channels.


Web Calculator

Web Calculator

An ugly calculator made with HTML/CSS/Sass/Javascript/JQuery.


Wikipedia Viewer

Wikipedia Viewer

Another project on Freecodecamp. Uses AJAX to fetch search results from Wikipedia.
